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Some examples of artwork by students

In every course, I teach students iterative design, including basic design principles and the design process. I help students to develop their thinking about aesthetics as well as fundamental techniques in a variety of media. In addition, I help students to develop their observational skills, patience, and concentration. The content and teaching method are based on my extensive teaching experience around the world (Japan, all across Europe, Russia, and Taiwan) and for every age (elementary school through post-graduate students and adults). I teach them practical application of the pragmatic aesthetic theory that I researched and published for my PhD and have continued to develop as a practicing professional artist.

Below you can see some examples of computer-based work from my junior high students (aged 13-15), organized according to tool or method. At the end, I've included some examples of my professional work.

iterative design

In my teaching, I emphasize that students develop ideas to more effectively communicate their ideas.


Many of my students are learning to use a vector image editor called Inkscape. It's free open-source software that has many of the same functions as Adobe Illustrator. The following work was completed by junior high school students in their first or second year.


Blender is free open-source industry-standard 3D design software. It is used by commercial game and movie studios to produce consumer-grade art. The following work was completed by junior high school students in their first or second year.

The following 3D models were designed in Blender, 3d-printed, hand-painted, and then photographed by the students.

anna-yang-dg-sq.jpg zoey-dg-cat-toy.jpg rex-lee-dg-sq.jpg

At the end of their second year, the students learned new techniques for applying textures to 3D models.

This team of students integrated their skills in Inkscape and Blender to produce this infographic.

p5js and svg.js

P5js and svg.js are tools for coding graphics in the JavaScript programming language. These are used by professionals to algorithmically generate art on the internet.

some of Dr. Bell's work

I use programming and other software tools to produce art, some of which I then use a robot to draw onto paper. I show my work and perform internationally.

rb-port-01.jpg rb-port-02.jpg rb-port-03.jpg rb-port-04.jpg rb-port-05.jpg rb-port-06.jpg rb-port-07.jpg rb-port-08.jpg rb-port-09.jpg rb-port-10.jpg rb-port-11.jpg rb-port-12.jpg rb-port-13.jpg rb-port-14.jpg rb-port-15.jpg

  • art-teaching-examples.1663845653.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 21 months ago
  • by renick