Table of Contents

Electricity and Electronics

What is electricity?

What are electrons?

How can electricity kill you?

Watch some videos on how electricity can kill you. Keep notes about the important vocabulary. Be able to explain how electricity can kill you.

Watch these videos in this order:

Where does electricity go when we use it?

Where does the 'electricity' go? What happens to the electrons?

How to use a multimeter?

Watch this woman explain how to use a multimeter.

How batteries work

rechargeable batteries

resistors and potentiometers

Measuring resistance:

  1. measure the resistance in a resistor
  2. measure the resistance in a potentiometer:

about potentiometers

Measure your resistors and potentiometers.

schematics tutorials

some textbooks on electricity and circuits


Especially see halfway down the page the section on “Anatomy of a Breadboard”:

how a switch works


first oscillator: astable multivibrator

First one is a good tutorial on building the circuit; I followed this spec. The second one is a good explanation of why it works.

This is a good technical description of the astable multivibrator:

Here's an astable multivibrator with potentiometer to control oscillation speed.

Use an astable vibrator to produce audio:

Force Sensitive Resistor

A good tutorial on force-sensitive resistors:

Here's a circuit which uses an FSR to control an LED.


chaotic circuits

using speakers

breadboard speakers:

speaker design

DIY synths

universal PCBs

first circuit to circuit board: LED with switch and 9V battery

Here's a first circuit to practice.

Once you have done that, try making this oscillator on a circuit board and then installed in a plastic container.

designing custom arduino shields

using johnny five to control an arduino-based UV sensor

This code will allow you to display the data from a UV sensor attached to your Arduino.